Tag Archives: Seat Time

2017 TKO photo albums by Brian Pierce and Jeff Kurtz

Our friend Brian Pierce (AKA Woody) is the host at Seat Time (@seattime) and he now has another one his photo epic pages up.

It not only includes dozens of spectacular high-res images but also raceday audio interviews with Graham Jarvis, Mario Roman, Cody Webb, & Drew Kirby.

Photo Epic – 2017 Tennessee Knockout

And photograhper Jeff Kurtz has an 2017 TKO  album of 80 photos. They can be viewed and they can be purchased.

2016 TKO race coverage: photos

Dirt Rider
Dirt Rider
Larry Mayo
Larry Mayo
Red Bull Motorsports
Red Bull Motorsports
  • 11 photos by Cameron Baird (album embedded in this article)
Seat Time
Seat Time
Trials Training Center (TTC)
Trials Training Center (TTC)

Train for the Kenda TKO, Win a Kenda Equilibrium Tire

Kenda Tire has teamed up with Seat Time to create a cool contest for 2015 Tennessee Knockout participants (amateur riders) to win a set of Kenda tires. To enter, post a picture or video of your TKO training to Instagram and use the hashtag #​KendaTKOTraining.

Check out this PDF flyer for more information:

Kenda TKO Training Competition Seat Time Contest

Brian Pierce’s Seat Time photo epic: 2014 TKO

Brian Pierce, Seat Time

Seat Time podcast

Brian Pierce at the offroad moto-journalism site Seat Time alerted us recently to one of his photo epics that he put together late last year on the 2014 TKO.

It’s not just a collection of a couple dozen terrific photos of the event arranged in a single linear gallery. He spices things up with witty and informative commentary throughout.  And he finishes it up with a YouTube video at the bottom.

Brian said he’ll be back at the TKO in August so he can create another photo epic for 2015. (Some of the competitors featured in his 2015 X Games Endurocross photo epic that he published last month will be at this year’s TKO.)

Click here to view the entire 2014 TKO Photo Epic:

Seat Time 2014 TKO photo epic